"The carcasses of a whale and its calf on a Japanese ship, according to the Australian government."
that is such a crazy picture. cuz that whale is gonna be turned into "products".
makes me think "f-ed up" thoughts about nature.
last weekend we played a show at rosaacs and i think it rocked. Deirdre Gorman didn't "like" (as though facebook right?) our set up, cuz we experimented with audience placement/lighting as elements to have control over in our performance. I thought it was "tight" Deirdre. we added a new song too, Finn Straley sang over and rocked the mic. literally. it was really fun. Kyle Maestez bumped in to me real hard cuz everyone was moshing at me during the show and to get space i tried to kick him. accidentally ended up kicking Julien Martineau. Sorry Julien. Meant to kick kyle.
we are playing a show this weekend. saturday night.
probably at "Troy"
"Troy" is located across the street from Tony's Subshop on isaacs. It is the last house on Isaacs before Clinton street and the Elementary School.
it is a fundraiser for Joe and Marshal.
Bring a couple bucks
we will be playing longer than our usually 20-25 minute set hopefully. so dont go to barefoot formal. that shit is gonna be dumb compared to troy. Tender hips hopefully will play too. I think we will go on at like 10:40. come see some goods. tell your kids.
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